The CJEE editorial team is pleased to present Volume 26 of the journal. We offer our thanks to the authors and reviewers who have contributed to the thoughtful papers presented herein. After a series of primarily special issues over the last few years, we are excited that this volume emerges from an open call for papers that highlighted the ever-increasing complexity of engaging with environmental education (and environmental education research) in a world that has been grappling with crisis-level challenges including pandemic disease, war, significant political unrest, environmental degradation, and an active and increasing climate emergency. The resulting papers tackle many of these challenges both directly and indirectly, and offer compelling justification for environmental education to function as a process for understanding the current moment in which humans and more-than-human beings live. The authors highlight social-ecological intersections, and complex interrelationships, and position environmental education as a mechanism for action that aims to bring our practices of living into greater alignment with ecological principles that can sustain planetary wellbeing. The nine papers are diverse in both context and approach. Each cultivates current-moment understandings of socio-ecological interrelationships, and many provoke action toward better planetary living.##submission.downloads##