Friluftsliv and Wild Pedagogies: Building Pedagogies for Early Childhood Education in a Time of Environmental Uncertainty.


  • Kari-anne Jorgensen
  • Sean Blenkinsop Simon Fraser University
  • Marianne Heggen
  • Henrick Neegaard


This article seeks to put two pedagogical orientations, one influenced by friluftsliv and the other wild pedagogies, into dialogue. The theoretical section focuses on three key components: childhood, knowledge, and nature. Next, we frame friluftsliv and wild pedagogies and connect them to contemporary early childhood education contexts. Here, we offer a short summary of wild pedagogies' six touchstones: Nature as Co-Teacher; Complexity, the Unknown, and Spontaneity; Locating the Wild; Time and Practice; Socio-Cultural Change; and Building Alliances and the Human Community. In this section, we focus on the connections with, and challenges to, friluftsliv practices in a pedagogical setting. Then, we examine the possibilities for developing new pedagogies for both wild pedagogies and friluftsliv. The paper offers no definitive conclusion, rather returning to a reflection on the three key components. Keywords: friluftsliv, wild pedagogies, childhood, knowledge, nature


  • ##submission.authorWithAffiliation##
    Professor, Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University.





