Starting Points: Questions of Quality in Environmental Education


  • Paul Hart University of Regina
  • Bob Jickling Yukon College
  • Richard Kool B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks, Canada


What does good education look like? Despite recent attempts to develop standards for educational subjects and cross-curricular areas such as environmental education, there remains the question about whether rhetoric can influence practice. In this paper we suggest that rather than establish normative criteria, it may be more fruitful to find ways to engage teachers in critical reflection about their own practice and thinking. So, we have constructed a series of questions to create conditions for such reflection. The intent is not to close the reflective process with established criteria but to raise questions as a means of opening the dialogue. Thus engaged, we hope practitioners and theorists can take this dialogue in directions which are meaningful to them. We thus encourage praxis which evolves as the critical thinking about environmental education evolves through discussion and debate.





