"Roll Up Your Sleeves and Get At It!" Climate Change Education in Teacher Education


  • Paul Berger Lakehead University
  • Natalie Gerum Lakehead University
  • Martha Moon Lakehead University


We present findings from research on a nine-week elective course, Climate Change Pedagogy, taught for the first time in the Bachelor of Education program at Lakehead University in Winter 2014. After reviewing literature on what is needed for effective teaching about climate change and some of the neoliberal barriers to this teaching, we draw on interview and questionnaire data to describe successful aspects of the course and barriers to teaching about climate change. Participants said openness and a welcoming environment were important and they appreciated the relevance of course content and pedagogy to their future teaching in various grades and subjects. Barriers to teaching about climate change include teacher candidates' lack of knowledge and concerns about the "political" nature of climate change education. Many participants said that the course should be longer and mandatory for all teacher candidates.

Author Biographies

  • Paul Berger, Lakehead University
    Paul is an Associate Professor at Lakehead University with interests in Inuit Schooling and Climate Change Education.
  • Natalie Gerum, Lakehead University
    Natalie completed her master's thesis on university responses to the Anthropocene at Lakehead University and taught as a contract lecturer in 2014.
  • Martha Moon, Lakehead University
    Martha is a PhD student at Lakehead University working in Indigenous Education.





